柯念璞: 浮城 香港九七後都市運動與藝術行動-以活化廳為例 Floating City-Urban movement and art activism in Hong Kong after 1997─A Case Study of Woofer Ten
The peculiar colonial history of Hong Kong, its political handover and geographic position have all contributed to its special position in the Asian region.As the loss of the balance is a symbol of the disappearance of balance in the city’s colonial history, land, human rights and freedom.This pursuit of liberal competition has meant that over the last decade Hong Kong is facing internal threats posed by the development of liberal capitalism, namely unemployment is increasing, the wealth gap is widening and urban planning is excluding and marginalizing the lower echelons of society.
Ever since the urban movement in Hong Kong after 1997, questions are being put. Young artists and social activists have been exploring the urban space through collective actions such as Protect Victoria Harbour, Oppose West Kowloon Cultural Park, Oppose the High-speed Rail and Defend Chai Wan Village. In this period artistic activities in Hong Kong reflect the extremes of neo-liberalism in the city. At such a time dialogue, connection and participation in art aim to re-found the places and people which modernity has rejected and marginalized, opening an alternative way forward.Woofer Ten involves a body of artists who are concerned about society, politics and public issues.They meet together to reflect on the relationship between art, society, the community and public life. They make use of space provided by the Hong Kong Art Development Office with a contact point in the art space in Shanghai St. at Yaumatei. Within the framework opened out by the artists they bring to light the hidden, yet influential, internal relationships between the life of individuals and the force of the surroundings. Woofer Ten seeks to find a way for art to be an equal platform of resources in the face of the marketization of art and the privatization of public space.Woofer Ten has provided a way to dialogue with social issues and let people participate. The movement has already shown sprouts of life and real fruit has been produced. It has provided a space for a successful and joyful new path away from that of consumerism. The artists of Woofer Ten have opened the way to a form of resistance that is not one of struggle. They have used art and performance to provide a new platform for the public airing of daily issues and created a cultural movement that engages the people in dialogue over a long period of time.
The study focus on how Woofer Ten provide a way to dialogue with social issues and let people participate.And the study concludes the artists of Woofer Ten have opened the way to a form of resistance that is not one of struggle. They have used art and performance to provide a new platform for the public airing of daily issues and created a cultural movement that engages the people in dialogue over a long period of time.And in the face of the experience of Hong Kong’s own identity and its political subjectivity, these post 80s young artists, social activists and concerned citizens have sought to change the alienation of life and the ossification of social structure into a positive grassroots movement.